engineer, marketer, cook.
hopelessly geek.
ㄚ ㄉㄡ ㄚˋ.


*Han shot first.
*MacGyver is my hero.
*The price will drop in a month, but I need it NOW.
*Because he loves him.

Touched Touched
by Paola Pittoni

Standard Landscape
92 pgs, Premium Paper

Layout by BVR

I am a citizen of the planet
I am a citizen of the planet
My laws are all of attraction
My punishments are consequences
from source the original sin

I am a citizen of the planet
’s kids are sovereign
Where the teachers are the sages
And pedestals filled with every parent

And so the next few years are blurry
The next decade’s a flurry
Of smells and tastes unknown
Threads sewn straight through this fabric
Through fields of every color
One culture to another

And I come alive
And I get giddy
And I am taken and globally naturalized


Friday, 11 July 2008 @ 20:55 - link - 0 comments