engineer, marketer, cook.
hopelessly geek.
ㄚ ㄉㄡ ㄚˋ.


*Han shot first.
*MacGyver is my hero.
*The price will drop in a month, but I need it NOW.
*Because he loves him.

Touched Touched
by Paola Pittoni

Standard Landscape
92 pgs, Premium Paper

Layout by BVR

E a volte parli di quanto siano diversi.
E a volte parli di quanto qualcuno sia profondamente un non idol.

E QUESTE VOLTE sei proprio contenta.
Di essere fan ANCHE di una boyband.


"What is F4? What does that mean.....Well to some others...a boy band....
that's right mofo~! I said it....a F*KIN BOY BAND~!
A Boy band that has lasted for over 7 years, with some people, some...not all....saying over and over that, we wouldn't, we couldn't, and WTF...are they really....STILL???? all the people talking smack.......I could talk back with negative remarks....but I won't. It's not needed...for our track record speaks for itself...and honestly.....we've just been doin "us".
F4....Direct translation....Flower 4......
What would posses someone to let themselves be called F4.....I'm not speaking for anyone in the group...just me....myself....and....I BYOTCH~!
I was stopped by a fork in the crossroads of life.....
Direction 1: WTF is F4...?....WTF!??!
Direction 2: What else are you going to do right
And you know what.....I've never regretted my decision. Yea it was tough at times, it's had it's up and downs....but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am who I am today because of it. Everyone has their own roads to walk....and I'm walking mine. So mind your's, for there are many evils lurking to try to steer you away from where you're suppose to be. Be you for you for him, how he created you, follow where he leads.......
when I was going against it....not now looking back...."Not fun"...very ungroovy....but now......LIFE....oh~....sooo......very good...even when it's's really good.....just look onto him.
My point......
I'm proud to be where I am today in life, I feel very blessed.
I'm proud of my 3 brothers, Vic, Jerry, Ken you three, who've walked this road with me...
thank you.
It wasn't easy and it still is not, but that's what makes us "us" and "us" being "us".........that's what makes F4 works.
So f*ck it.....we are a boy band....were a boy band...and now....we'z be, The BoyzIIMen Band.
May God bless us in everything we do solo to grow, to rise above, to just be....and when we meet will be the it should it always has been.........for that is the way it has been written.
B2MB....FO LIFE~!!!!"

[dal blog di Vann Ness Wu - E la Pappu v'ha pure lasciato gli errori di battitura originali.]


Friday, 24 October 2008 @ 12:29 - link - 0 comments