engineer, marketer, cook.
hopelessly geek.
ㄚ ㄉㄡ ㄚˋ.


*Han shot first.
*MacGyver is my hero.
*The price will drop in a month, but I need it NOW.
*Because he loves him.

Touched Touched
by Paola Pittoni

Standard Landscape
92 pgs, Premium Paper

Layout by BVR

Bad timing
"Dear members,

X Japan will be in France for a unique concert the 22th november 2008 at the Palais Omnisport de Paris Bercy.

Famous Japanese metal band, X JAPAN has already sold 20 millions records over the world. They split up in 1997 and then build-up in 2007, X JAPAN came back on stage for an extraordinary concert."

Yoshiki, io ti odio un po', sai?

Vabbé, gente.
Cosa volete che vi dica?
Buon concerto e pensate alla vostra Pappu.



Friday, 7 November 2008 @ 11:09 - link - 0 comments