engineer, marketer, cook.
hopelessly geek.
ㄚ ㄉㄡ ㄚˋ.


*Han shot first.
*MacGyver is my hero.
*The price will drop in a month, but I need it NOW.
*Because he loves him.

Touched Touched
by Paola Pittoni

Standard Landscape
92 pgs, Premium Paper

Layout by BVR

Spartaco 2.0
FROM: I know that you know who i am
29/10/2008, 12:11

I think Fahrenheit will be happy if they can DIRECTLY receive their presents from fans.
What's this show for?
For earning money?
Or really for Birthday purpose?
It looks so funny
Funny funny funny and funny
No banners
No supporting boards
No presents
No words to Fahrenheit
No communication
No casual wears
No walfare

But only $$$$$$$$$$$

How money-minded you are.
We pay and we order
not you

we are not stupid
we are not fools
we are money

you are employed because we pay you
please think twice before you do anything

P.S. I heard that this club is an international fans Club
However, why are there no ENGLISH explanation for the foreign fans?

Questo. A commento dell'evento dei Fahrenheit di questa domenica.

E non l'ho scritto io.
(Perche' il mio inglese e' migliore).
E non l'ho scritto io.
(Perche' avrei messo dei punti).
E non l'ho scritto io.
(Perche' l'avrei firmato).



Thursday, 6 November 2008 @ 14:57 - link - 0 comments